If you're seeking the flexibility of an online degree, the General Horticulture option offered through Oregon State's Ecampus gives you the opportunity to face problems as a professional horticulturist, with a solid education and background in sound scientific principals.
This option is especially recommended if you're already working in the horticultural industry, because it will build upon your existing knowledge in biology, plant science, soils, and more. The General Horticulture option will also introduce you to the latest technology and trends in the field.
Recent graduates of the online General Horticulture option have been promoted to agricultural inspector, started a landscape design business, and become technical writers.
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Active Learning
While most of your schoolwork will be completed online, you will be required to complete hands-on lab experiences, either through purchased kits or through virtual lab projects created collaboratively between Horticulture faculty and the curriculum design team in Ecampus. In addition, your schedule's flexibility may allow you to accept an internship or work in one of our many facilities. An internship provides professional-level interaction with growers, managers, field reps, and consultants; and provides hands-on experience.
If you'd like to conduct your own research project, there are research intensive classes available both online and in a classroom setting.
Research Farms
Other Research Facilities
Internship Process and Requirements
Research/Thesis Process and Requirements
Christina Martiney, former KCC intern with the National Tropical Botanical Garden and now the Living Collections and Plant Records Assistant there, graduated in 2017 with a Bachelor of Science in Horticulture from OSU.
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